How To Overcome Imposter Syndrome as a Digital Course Creator

Aug 07, 2023
Just Know How Course Boutique

Creating an online course is an amazing—but also scary—endeavor.

You want to put yourself out there as an expert, sharing your knowledge and experiences with the world. But what if you’re not sure if you’re actually qualified enough to do it? Or worse, what if you do it and fail miserably?

Sound familiar? If so, you might be suffering from imposter syndrome. While it’s normal to feel scared or intimidated when embarking on something new, imposter syndrome can be especially debilitating for digital course creators.

But you don't have to let it stop you! In this article, I’ll share my advice on how to overcome impostor syndrome as a digital course creator so that you can create the course of your dreams and make impact.

What Is Imposter Syndrome?

Have you ever felt like a fraud and invalidated your own successes? If so, you are not alone. The fear of being discovered as an "imposter" and the accompanying negative self-talk are the responses of imposter syndrome.

Imposter syndrome can manifest itself in many forms, most commonly in feelings of self-doubt and insecurity. It can also show itself through procrastination, perfectionism, comparing yourself to others, and difficulty accepting compliments and praise. These feelings can make it difficult to pursue your creative endeavours with the same confidence that others may have.

If you experience imposter syndrome, know that it is normal and there are ways to manage it. By understanding what imposter syndrome is, recognizing when it shows up for you, and implementing strategies to overcome it, you can become a successful digital course creator without doubting your capability through every step of the process.

Signs and Symptoms of Imposter Syndrome

If you're a digital course creator, it's likely that you have experiences of feeling like an imposter—and that's okay! Know that imposter syndrome is common and normal. Here are some of the signs and symptoms to look out for in yourself and your peers:

  • Feeling like you don't deserve your success.

  • Making excuses for successes (“I got lucky”)

  • Fear of failure or not measuring up

  • Not speaking up in group settings

  • Believing errors or mistakes means you aren’t capable or talented

  • Perfectionism, feeling pressure to always do more.

If any of these thoughts feel familiar to you, then it's possible that Imposter Syndrome is at play. Now let's look into common causes of imposter syndrome.

Common Causes of Imposter Syndrome for Digital Course Creators


A lot of us can be perfectionists when it comes to our creations — and that's not necessarily bad. However, striving for perfection can mean a lot of delays and second guesses, especially if you're worried about what people might think about your course.


The internet can be a harsh place and when we put ourselves out there with no prior validation from a test market, it can be hard to judge the reaction we’ll get from our digital course. This uncertainty can lead to over-expectations that can leave us feeling like imposters when we don’t get the response we thought we would.

Fear of Success

Sometimes it's not fear of failure that slows us down — but fear of success. We know that taking our digital course to the next level will take hard work and dedication, and this fear can cause imposter syndrome in even the most experienced online entrepreneurs.

With all this in mind, it’s easy to see how anyone might feel like an impostor after putting themselves out there with their digital course! But don't worry—with some determination, focus and help from experts you'll have the tools you need to overcome it for good. So what are the strategies for overcoming this issue?

Strategies for Overcoming Imposter Syndrome as a Digital Course Creator

When you feel overwhelmed by imposter syndrome and all the doubts that come with it, it can be hard to take a step back and think about what to do next. That's why it's important to have some strategies for helping to overcome imposter syndrome, especially when you're a digital course creator. Here are a few strategies that have been proven to work:

Acknowledge Your Feelings

The first step is to acknowledge your feelings and understand where they're coming from. Acknowledge that these feelings of self-doubt and anxiety aren’t productive or helpful, and recognize them for what they are—imposter syndrome. Once you understand that this is something you’re dealing with, you'll be able to take steps to address it more effectively.

Celebrate Your Successes

Positive reinforcement goes a long way in helping to combat imposter syndrome. Remind yourself of the successes you've had in your past, both big and small. Take some time each day or week to acknowledge the things you’ve accomplished in your digital course-creating journey, no matter how small. This will keep your confidence up and help remind you of your capability as a digital course creator.

Reach Out for Help & Support

Another great strategy for overcoming imposter syndrome is reaching out for help or support when needed. Connecting with an expert course creator can provide invaluable feedback on your own projects or ideas, which can help inspire further success and improve morale in the face of negative emotions caused by imposter syndrome. There’s no shame in needing support!

Powerful Tips to Reclaim Confidence

One of the best ways to overcome Imposter Syndrome as a digital course creator is to reclaim your confidence by learning to use evidence and data to reduce self-doubt. Here are a few tips that you can use to do just that:

Keep track of your accomplishments

Track your successes and celebrate them—even the small ones counts. Writing down your wins in a journal, or just keeping an ongoing list, is a great way to remind yourself of all that you've accomplished. This can help boost your confidence and increase your sense of accomplishment.

Celebrate the small wins

Don't just focus on the big successes—giving yourself credit for the small victories will help boost your self-esteem over the long run. Celebrate each step of progress, write affirmations to yourself, create milestones along the way — these are great ways to recognize how far you've come on your digital course creation journey!

Track your progress

Keep track of how long it takes you to complete specific tasks or projects and track any improvements over time. These numbers will give you tangible evidence that you are making progress and becoming more efficient at what you do. This can be incredibly empowering!

Have a ‘Cheerleader’ Mentality

When you feel like the fear of failure is starting to really overwhelm you, it helps to have someone who will constantly remind you of your skills, capabilities and strengths. This could be a family member, friend or even a colleague. Surrounding yourself with positive people who are supportive and understanding of your creative journey makes it easier to get back up when times get tough.

Take Action Steps Daily

If you have an idea or goal that you want to pursue, take action steps daily towards achieving it. Even if it feels like an obstacle is blocking your way, small steps each day will eventually lead you closer to reaching your goals. Achieving these smaller goals will help boost your confidence, allowing you to trust yourself even more along the way.


In conclusion, Imposter Syndrome can be a major roadblock in your course creation path, but it doesn't need to be.

With a good dose of self-care, an understanding of the patterns and tendencies at play, and the ability to recognize when the negative thought patterns kick in, you can take control of your thoughts and feelings and allow yourself to move forward with confidence and determination. Remember, your skills and expertise are valid, and you have what it takes to create an amazing course. Believe in yourself and you can beat Imposter Syndrome!

Looking for an expert course creator to help you get started? Book a FREE clarity call with me here.

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